Cat's Cradle benefit for Melissa York

History: Gerty! was a great, fun band that added more and more new wave influence to their indie rock, culminating in 2002's Sweets from the Minibar, which was sort of like Blondie crossed with the Cars. The Butchies were a candy-coated pop punk trio who broke up after several albums, including 2004's Make Yr Life. Butchies drummer Melissa York joined up with Gerty's David Koslowski and Shirle Hale, and they decided to call themselves the Ex-Members. Before they had the chance to do much of anything in their new incarnation, York had to have neck surgery (too much head-banging!).
Like many musicians, York's part-time non-music work didn't cover the health care costs. Tomorrow night (7/1) at the Cat's Cradle, a bunch of her friends are giving a concert to raise funds to help her out. Here's the lineup, and a sample from each band:
The Moaners: bluesy/swampy guitar/drums duo, including Melissa Swingle, who used to be in Trailer Bride.
"Heart Attack" (from Dark Snack 2005. Buy/download)
Dirty Little Heaters: another guitar/drums duo, this one a little more punkish.
"Who's Got the Blow?" (from Got It? 2005. Buy/download.)
Midtown Dickens: yet another female duo on the bill, but Midtown Dickens are more acoustic and folky. Quirky Americana harmonies.
"AM Dial"
Robosapien: old school hip hop house party meets indie rock. The riotgrrl Beastie Boys?
"Dance" (from Where the Beat End Up 2005. Buy/download)
Finally, I wrote previously about Gerty and the Butchies. Here's a track from each, and an Ex-Members demo (sounds a lot like Gerty...)
Gerty: "Short Drive Home" (from Sweets from the Minibar 2002. Buy/download)
The Butchies: "Trouble" (from Make Yr Life 2004. Buy/download)
The Ex-Members: "Hit By Hit"
So go check out the show -- good bands and a worthwhile cause. Or go here to make a donation to Melissa York.
Oh, and Melissa York has one other loose connection to the Oak Room. That's her drum set in the banner at the top of the page!