Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Portastatic: "Hurricane Warning (Ignored)" (from The Nature of Sap 1997. Buy/download)
Paul Simon: "Hurricane Eye" (live in Hamburg 2002)

Well, it's total bandwagon-jumping, but what the hell. I never watched a full hockey game until the last month, but it's been fun watching the Hurricanes run to the Stanley Cup. It'll never replace college hoops for me, but I'll pay some attention to the hockey next year -- it is awfully exciting. And I may actually be starting to understand what's happening on the ice...

A week or two ago, I found out that Mac McCaughan of Superchunk/Portastatic/Merge Records has a Portastatic blog. I don't know what Mac's background is, but it turns out he's a hockey fan -- there are more posts about the 'Canes than about his band! So, partly in his honor, I'm posting Portastatic's "Hurricane Warning (Ignored)", as well as a live version of Paul Simon's "Hurricane Eye." Oh, and what the heck, here's the obvious song...

The Scorpions: "Rock You Like A Hurricane" (from Love at First Sting 1984. Buy)


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Matt Hayhurst said...

NICE!!! Yeah, Somehow I managed to post that Scorps song last night. What a great game. I'm glad you posted about it too and nice Portastatic track. Go Canes!!!

At 4:44 PM, Blogger JOE GILLIS said...

I liked it better when the 'Canes were losing to my Red Wings in the '02 Finals. Damn southern upstarts!

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Awesome! I considered posting about the win and thought about the Scorpions song (as well as Dylan's "Hurricane") but would've missed the Paul Simon song and the Portastatic one. And, who am I kidding, I'm not actually a hockey fan either. But it's fantastic that the cup is in Raleigh!!! Next up, Wolfpack needs to bring a title to that building! Come on Sidney!!

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Donna said...

I am starting to understand hockey more too.


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