Thursday, February 10, 2005

Heard Together

That Comas show that I mentioned in the previous post is part of the CD release party for a nice compliation called Heard Together: Sounds from Northern Carolina. The fact that I've already written about most of the bands on the comp makes me feel like I've been doing what I set out to do with this blog.

Sharing the bill with the Comas tonight are the Rosebuds (mentioned here), the Sames (mentioned here), and Superchunk side project Portastatic.

Schooner (mentioned here) and Gerty (mentioned here) play at Local 506 tomorrow night, along with Transportation and Leadfoot.

And on Saturday, the Honored Guests (mentioned here), Cub Country (mentioned here), and Evil Weiner's Billy Sugarfix play at the Cave.

Here's a little sampler of some of my favorite songs from these bands (all previously posted, but I think there are some new readers since then).

The Rosebuds: "Big Heartbreak (live on KVRX)"
The Sames: "I Wish That You'd Written This Song"
Schooner: "We Let the Cat Out"
Gerty: "Magnastar"
The Honored Guests: "iawokeinacityasleep"
Cub Country: "Missed the Train"

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