Monsonia and North Elementary Revisited
Here are some more updates from bands that I've already written about, while I try to get back around to some brand new stuff. (After a couple of months, I've got to dig a little harder to find new local stuff that I like -- suggestions always welcome!)

Complex, dark, and noisy, Monsonia (previously) have an EP available (buy it here) and put another track online to sample:
MP3: "Orca (The Killer Whale)"
(from EP, self-released 2005)
North Elementary (previously) has a few more songs from their stellar Lose Your Favorite Things up on their web site now:
MP3: "Heartbreakn' In Machine"
MP3: "Ships as Friends"
(from Lose Your Favorite Things, Sit-N-Spin 2004. Buy it here.)
Thanks, Mark!
monsonia's EP is great, rhythmic and dark. the songs stick in my head for days.
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